Silene chalcedonica 

aka Lychnis chalcedonica
Ko'p Yillik O't
Mahalliy Osiyo

Qani bir Begona Oʻtlar

Shimoliy Amerika

Weed Science Society of America (2010) - Composite List of Weeds

Janubiy Amerika

Inter-American Biodiversity Information Network


NOBANIS - European Network on Invasive Alien Species

Birlashgan Qirollik va Irlandiya

Online Atlas of the British & Irish Flora

O'rta er Dengizi

L. Celesti-Grapow et al (2009)

Sharqiy Osiyo

T. Mito & T. Uesugi (2004) - Invasive Alien Species in Japan

Janubiy-Sharqiy Osiyo

Plants of the World Online


Plants of the World Online


F.J. Richardson, R.G. Richardson & R.C.H. Shepherd (2007)